carried out, is usually acceptance.
She will become accustomed to your knowledge and in all probability will begin to consult with you about these things so close to your heart.
Remember now, use the compliment in this battle as a sold- ier would use a sword. Be subtle. A man can fool a woman or keep her in the dark about his purpose just as foam rubber can put beauty into a sweater. Compliment her and her attire when she deserves it. I smile to myself as I remember a very nice young girl I dated just after leaving high school. She fell for the subterfuge of the compliment to such an extent that over the phone planning a date she would review her available wardrobe and let me choose the articles she would wear on the date.
Most men prior to marriage have a good idea of the entent of knowledge about sexual matters of their bethrothed. Is she happens to be from a sheltered home and her knowledge of sex is limited, you must assume the responsibility of the educator. If you feel she is a well informed, sophisticated young woman be sure to inspect her mind on transvestism. This can be done in many devious ways as easily as plucking a plum from a tree. Pick a time when your liking of her apparel has not been in re- view for two meetings or more. Then start off with that old line, "I saw in the paper a while back, "--and relate a story where a TV did this or that, and be sure to interject that when you finish you would like to know what she thinks of that sit- uation. Leave some ends open in the story as you might want to question her again. Like--a man was arrested in X Berg who had posed as a woman for three years while working in a lingerie shop. If you need further probing of her feelings at a later date put your Ficticious Felicia on trial and you defend Felicia as you think an attorney should--ring in a psychiatrist for the the de- fense. Find out if she agrees, that in cases like this it is silly for the prosecution to spend time and money in court pros- ecuting an eccentric person living in a world of make-believe who means harm to no one. Use the casual approach and she will let you peek at her mind and she'll never be the wiser.
Her attitudes can be unbeknown to her openly and easily be inspected. Never ask direct questions.